Amy Lynn Photography

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I found a lot of really interesting information when looking up bee facts. Hope you enjoy them too:

- There are 20,000 different species of bees.

- They have 2 stomaches, one for storing nectar and one for processing food. They have 5 eyes, 2 of the putter sides of their head and 3 on top. Honey bees sense of smell is 50x more sensitive than a dogs. Their antennae has more than 300 taste receptors.

- Bees are not aerodynamically designed to fly, but mange to anyway. They can fly backwards and up to 20mph.

- There has been research done on the hexagonal shape if the bee hive that has determined it to be the most structurally strong shape and one that results in the least waste.

- The color and flavor of honey depends on the flower it came from. Honey is one of the only substances known to man that does not spoil (thousands year old honey has been found that was still good).

- Bee venom is more potent than cobra venom, but it would take about 35,000 stings to kill the average human.

- It has been discovered that a swarm of bees generate a similar voltage to that produced by a thunderstorm.

- Bees are being studied in the treatment of dementia. When older bees do tasks usually carried out by younger bees, they stop aging.

- Honey is antibacterial, anti microbial and an anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat wounds.